Saturday, June 1, 2013

Argumented Conclusion

One behavior of the teacher that we observe in the middle school class is according to the Grammar Translation Method because most of the class was given in mother tongue, also the class had another elements of this method, for example, it was easy to explain from the part of the teacher to the student the vocabulary, and most important, most of the class speaking was in the mother tongue without so much spontaneity, leaving the target language almost apart, other method observed was the Audio Lingual Method because the entire class was repeating and as we known, this is based on the Behaviourism method; When the teacher said a word or a sentence, the students have to repeat it, forexample: one student read one part of a text for the rest of the classroom and then they repeat it, and the teacher could checked the students´ speech allowed by controlled communication that the repetition in this method gives.
In the case of the students, the observed conduct was the formal operational stage according to Jean Piaget's theory, because they already have the attitude and the maturity to think abstractly and they use the logical thinking to resolve the information received from the teacher in the classroom. In other case, in relation with Robert Havighurst the students that we observed are in the adolescence according their age and some characteristics are that the students are achieving personal independence, the physical skills are totally developed, the   self –conscience is developing too, besides they are getting more independent. According to Eduard Spranger the students are in the second pattern, with a continuous growth of cultural values and a growth process; and finally another theory that we can apply for students is Erik Erikson´s theory because at the age of observed students (14-15 years), they are getting a sense of self and personal identity too, the more success they get, the more confidence they are getting.

According to the students that we observed in class, we created a lesson plan choosing some appropriate activities based on their actual developmental stage where the activities could be developed without any problem.
The methods we used in the lesson plan were Communicative Language Teaching we tried to based on communication, the teachers and students speak and we tried to encourage students interact all the time. We use too the Audio Lingual Method that is based on the Behaviourist where the method are imitation, repetition and memorization and the objective is to accurate pronunciation bye repeating words or sentences because language skills are learned more effectively if they are presented orally first, then in written form. 

We think the students acquire the language in a natural way, so we tried to involved them  by presenting real world situations as the topic we have, ¨Preventing Climate Change¨. The Natural Approach is based on observation and how they learn and we exposed to the students a lot of vocabulary and some activities to develop, amd finally we tried the students acquire the language unconsciously, because we think it is the best way to learn a second language.

Personal conclusions

Cristian Eduardo Diaz Arreola
To me, to know what method we can use in class is very important, so as a teacher I have to be very careful whit my students.  Observed a class was useful for us, it help us to improve our skills and is better if we know all the methods that we can apply and theories about the student´s behavior.

Roxana E. Carrillo Arroyo
To conclude, going to other school and observe the class really help, because it gave us an idea about how to make our lesson plan, and the fact that we had to improve it I think it makes us better as teachers.

Maricruz A. Campos Escalier
This experience was very useful for us as future teachers, because it is going to help us to improve our knowledge and acquire other techniques to use in a classroom; to know all this theories is very important, because this is what we can apply in class according to the age of the students and knowing how they think and behavior on each stage of their life, in brief, how we can teach them better, and the different tools that we can use (WebQuest, miniquest, blogs)and how we can evaluate or make different appropriate activities for the students. I personally enjoyed going to other school and observe, and to know a little the students and teachers behavior.

Jessica Alanis Andrade

In this final project, especially I had the opportunity to apply and enhance my knowledge that acquired throughout the semester. And also I saw the importance of to know understanding different teaching methods to be applied in every situation that is appropriate; as well different ways to identify the stages that adolescents pass, as well to work with them in appropriate way to achieve increase their learning ability. In this project, I had the opportunity to delve more into the world that I want to belong, and is now that I recognize the importance of each of the classes of my teachers and I'm so motivated for to still working, and then to be a great teacher.

Christian Eduardo Díaz Arreola
Roxana Elizabeth Carrillo Arroyo
Maricruz Alejandra Campos Escalier
Jessica Alanis Andrade

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