Sunday, June 2, 2013

Authorization for Observe a Class

Our project is based on the observation of an English class of students of 3rd grade in middle school, in the EST # 57 in Durango state. And to start the project, we present this form requesting permission to carry out our task in this institution. Permission was granted to us fortunately.

Observation Format

This observation format was the tool that we used to identify every aspect of the class observed,  methods and theories used by the teacher and also the student behavior. So based on this observation instrument,  we start our work.

Observed Class (Video)

This is a part of the video from the class that we observed and in which we based on to create all the material in this blog.

Lesson Plan

We did this lesson plan in order to improve the class that we observed before.

Middle School
Preventing Climate Changes
Jessica Alanis Andrade, Maricruz A Campos Escalier, Roxana E Carrillo Arroyo, Cristian Eduardo Díaz Arreola.
Time class:
45 mins

Int Patterns


Introduce the topic to the ss.
The teacher is going to ask “what is climate change?” and then he is going to explain them about preventing climate change.

White board and markers.

Whole group

3-5 mins

The students learn the vocabulary.
The teacher shows them the flashcards with the vocabulary and the ss must repeat the words.


Whole group

15  mins

Play Video
To get the ss involved in the topic.
Play a video about the climate change for the ss  in a visual way.

Projector, USB.

Whole group

3-5 mins


To put in practice what they have learned to prevent climate change
The ss are going to pass in front to paste the images in the correct place.
Ex: on the left side of the board the things that we can do to prevent the climate change and in the other side the things that you aren´t supposed to do.

Printed images, white board and markers.

Several  students

10 mins

To reinforced their knowledge.
The teacher is going to give worksheets to the ss of the vocabulary.

Printed sheets
Whole group, individually.
10 mins

Saturday, June 1, 2013


These flashcards are for students to learn the new vocabulary of the Climate change topic.

:) Our final material

You can download this material in:


Playing a video

This time we decide attach a video about What is climate change?

This video is going to be useful to get students involved in the topic.

Trimmable Didactic Materials

Hello! this time i will share you some useful drawings for this class (preventing climate change).

The objective of this materials is to put in practice what they have learned to prevent climate change.

Final product

Hope you like it!!!